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HS code 1604


HS code 1604

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In the email, please write the HS4 numbers you need access to (max2 HS4s). You will hereafter get 1 months of free access.

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Purchase 1 month of unlimited access to 1 HS4 (imp or exp)
JPY 500 / month / auto renew

Purchase 6 month of unlimited access to 1 HS4 (imp or exp)
JPY 2400 / 6 months / auto renew

Purchase 1 month of unlimited access to 1 HS4 (imp or exp)

JPY 3600 / 12 months / auto renew

Meat, fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates or insect preparations

HS2 Description

HS4 Description

Prepared or preserved fish, caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs

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